Each January, nearly a third of us resolve to become “better” in the new year, adopting new habits that aim to fix all the things “wrong” with us. We start off the year focused on our flaws—then feel even worse in six months, when we’ve mostly abandoned those resolutions and failed (again) at our plans for self-improvement.
So, what if, this year, we skip the whole “fixing” ourselves approach—and instead celebrate and support the person we already are? These seven self-advocating new year’s new habits are designed to help boost your self-esteem—and feelings of success—over the next twelve months, giving new meaning to a truly happy new year.
Women, know your worth—and ask for it
It’s been reported that men are four times more likely than women to ask for a raise—and then, when women do ask for a salary bump, they request 30 percent less than their male counterparts. So, let’s try to start changing that this year. Before your next review, research what the average man makes doing what you do—then demand to make at least the same.
Give yourself time to recover
We’re frequently told that the key to success is doing more, achieving more, being more. But, just as important to success is taking a break and allowing yourself time to recover. Like your smartphone, your brain and body need time to recharge overnight. Restful, regular sleep helps ward off obesity, disease—and it’s been shown to improve memory retention. So, try to get at least seven hours each night, go ahead and take that nap—and consider carving out time for ten minutes of daily meditation, which has been shown to benefit the brain in many of the same ways as restorative sleep.
Prioritize self-care
Selfcare is a buzz term for a reason; it really can help reduce stress and improve your mental health. But it needn’t involve hours of bathing, masking, dry brushing and at-home spa-ing. Taking just a few minutes for yourself each day can go a long way toward helping you feel and look better. A good way to carve out that time: Choose a simple, effective skincare regimen, like Neolastin’s three-step routine, and commit to a five-minute morning and evening skin ritual.
Create an inspiring environment
The design and décor in your office or home can significantly impact the way you feel. So, take some time to make that environment feel cozier, less cluttered (or insert the adjective that describes your ideal space) to ensure the spots where you spend the most time elevate your mood—and thus, productivity, happiness, etc.
Consider taking a class
At any age, learning something new boosts brain power (some studies suggest it may also help ward off some types of dementia). Thus, think about enrolling in a class that teaches something—anything—new: a skill you can use at work, a technique you can use in the kitchen, or even something creative that has no practical value but is really fun!
Become your own biggest cheerleader
According to the Harvard Business Review, women are only likely to apply for a job when they meet 100 percent of the qualifications (whereas men, by contrast, are more apt to apply when they meet just 60 percent). So, this year, why not stop being such a perfectionist and resolve to take more risks. Sing your own praises more. And go ahead and apply for that exciting job or promotion, even if the job description isn’t a 100 percent match.
Review and learn from 2021
While dwelling on shortcomings is not our goal for 2022, there is some benefit in reviewing the past year, making note of the things that may be holding you back (e.g. a tiresome relationship, a boring job, even a city that no longer suits you), and thinking of ways to remove or minimize their impact. Remember your 2022 mantra: it’s a new year with new habits that celebrate you—as you are.